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Arts & Culture

Art & Artists: The Art of Israel

A survey of the history of the Holy Land through art objects, including the building of King Solomon’s Temple, the Jewish catacombs, the synagogue mosaics and the modern State of Israel.

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2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Monday, Apr 15
Virtual Event

April 15 @ 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

Join us for a survey of the history of the Holy Land through art objects, which begins with the building of King Solomon’s Temple, and continues with the Jewish catacombs, the synagogue mosaics and the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

This program follows the sweep of Israeli history while focusing on the visual arts and artists of recent centuries.

Save! Register by April 13 for “Early Bird” pricing!

Presented in partnership with The Osher Marin JCC and the National JCC Adult & Senior Alliance.

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