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FilmShul: Barry Levinson

An informative, engaging and fun presentation on Hollywood and the Jewish American Experience, curated by noted film historians Irv Slifkin and Laurence Lerman. Join us for the premiere of their program on the films of Baltimore’s own Barry Levinson

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7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Tuesday, Oct 10
Virtual Event

October 10, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

FilmShul is an informative, engaging and fun presentation on Hollywood and the Jewish American Experience, curated by noted film historians Irv Slifkin and Laurence Lerman and specifically designed for Zoom interactivity. Join us for the premiere of their custom program on the films of Baltimore’s own Barry Levinson developed for our audience.

For live participation only—will not be available as a recording. Sales close at 5:00pm on day of event.

Interested in more film appreciation events? Check out Midday Movies: Food, Flicks & Friends, a new series exploring films of Jewish interest, with enlightening discussions with filmmakers and scholars and casual conversation with other film enthusiasts. Kosher lunch provided.

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Join us this season for music, dance, comedy, family fun and more, LIVE on the Gordon Stage!